Monday, March 26, 2012

Pimpin' Allegedly Aint Easy For the Former IMF Chief

As if the previous allegations against him weren't bad enough, CNN International reports that the former IMF chief Strauss-Kahn is being charged in an alleged prostitution ring.

Meanwhile, about a month ago 50 Cent, the rapper who rose to fame with the hit single P.I.M.P. publicized his desires to feed the hungry in the developing world.

According to the IMF website, the role of the IMF is "promoting sustainable economic growth, increasing living standards, and reducing poverty."

Simply put, the former chief of the institution that is supposed to be increasing living standards is "allegedly" doing some aggravated pimping, while the former pimp is "allegedly" increasing living standards. And that is how 180 can go in either direction.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting juxtaposition there. From what I have seen mostly, those who have the power and authority to help are the most corrupt. Those who were grounded in reality before aquiring their wealth are the only ones who will make a difference in the world and help others.
